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January 08, 2004

Mountain Lion attack

A mountain lion attacks mountain bikers in Orange County:
1 dead 4 injured, not to mention the lion that the rangers will probably terminate. NBC4 Article. The lion attacked twice in a row mountain bikers in the Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park. I am used to bike in Casper Park, pretty close to this place. I will probably think twice now before going back there.

In socal, there are many mountain lions (aka cougars or pumas). Until now I had not heard about adult casualties resulting of attacks in socal, but I know young kids were attacked in Casper Park a few years ago and that resulted in the park being closed for a long time. Attacks usually happen when an animal has rabbies or when a female protects cubs.

They live in the mountains around LA and San Diego which is quite surprising since this is one of the most urbanized area in the US.

Posted by sebatl at January 8, 2004 10:30 PM